
Showing posts from April, 2020

Western Civilization Blog Post #44

April 30th, 2020 Patricians and Plebians           The patricians and the plebians were far from similar. The patricians were a rich and powerful group of people in the ancient Roman times. The opposites were the plebians. They were made up of the lower class citizens of Rome and were the majority of the population. The wealthy patricians were born into power and wealth. To add, they also had the ability to hold government positions, unlike the plebians. It was against the law for any plebians to run in office, therefore, they made tribunes. These tribunes were representatives for the plebians and would protect plebian rights.            The Greek aristocrats were similar to the Roman patricians. In the same way, the plebians were the same as the middle and lower class peoples of Greece. 

Western Civilization Blog Post #43 - Rome

April 28th, 2020 Rome Terms Republic -  a form of government in which power rests with citizens who have the right to vote for their leaders Patrician - wealthy landowners who held most of the power Plebian - the common farmers, artisans, and merchants who made up most of the population Tribunes - representative that protected the rights of the plebians from unfair acts of patrician officials Consuls - two officials that commanded the army and directed government Senate - the aristocratic branch of Rome's government that had both legislative and administrative functions in the republic Dictator - a leader who had absolute power to make laws and command the army in times of crisis Legion - large military units Punic Wars - three long wars fought between Rome and Carthage Hannibal - a brilliant military strategist who wanted to avenge Carthage's earlier defeat

Western Civilization Blog Post #42

April 21st, 2020 Essay The essay question I chose is who was Alexander the Great and what did he accomplish? I would start my first paragraph giving a short definition of who Alexander was. My second paragraph would tell about his family and early life. The third paragraph would be about the way he ruled and his accomplishments. The next paragraph would give information about his horse. The final paragraph would be about his death and his overall impact on Greece.

Western Civilization Blog Post #41

April 20th, 2020 Objective Questions 1. What was the Noble Lie that Plato proposed? We were all born with gold, silver, brass, or iron in our souls which determined our roles in life. 2. What kind of dramas were performed in ancient Greece? Tradgedy and comedy. 3. When did the plague hit Athens?       a. During the Peloponnesian War      b. During the Trojan War      c. During the Wars of the Delian League 4. What were Pericles' three goals? Pericles' three goals for Athens were to strengthen Athenian democracy, to hold and strengthen the empire, and to glorify Athens. 5. What is a direct democracy? A form of government in which citizens rule directly and not through representatives.

Western Civilization Blog Post #40

April 16th, 2020 Plato 1. Plato defined The Forms as the ideal versions of things and concepts we see around us. 2. The three groups in Plato's ideal society are producers, the military, and the rulers. 3. Plato was inconsistent with his thoughts of women; he believed women were equally able to rule in his model city, but at times he referred to them as being child-like.  4. The Noble Lie he proposed was that we were all born with gold, silver, brass, or iron in our souls which determined our roles in life.

Western Civilization Blog Post #39

April 15th, 2020 Poem Who is that beauty? You're bound to know a woman named Aphrodite the goddess of love Along beside her is the one who rules Mount Olympus from up above Zeus is his name he's big and strong  he helps the Greek gods get along Apollo is his son his talent is art and poetry but he specializes in songs

Western Civilization Blog Post #38

April 2nd, 2020 Classical Greece Architecture This is an ancient Greek building called the Parthenon. The building was made out of white marble, which has since been damaged due to environmental factors. It has pillars on all sides of the building which are used for support. In this picture, there are six statues standing as columns. All of the structure is made out of stone. The stone has unique designs on both the bottom and the top of the structure.

Western Civilization Blog Post #37

April 1st, 2020 The Legacy of Greek Theater 1. The Ancient Greeks had two kinds of dramas: tragedy and comedy. Tragedies usually consisted of common themes such as love, hate, or betrayal. Tragedies are the more serious type of drama and usually have a main character or hero who is gifted with special abilities. In the end, one of the hero's flaws usually causes his or her's downfall. The second type of drama is a comedy which includes scenes of jokes and crude humor.  2 (a). Most of the theater productions I have been in all have a main character that goes through a challenge and has a downfall because of one of their flaws. Many of these plays also portray themes of either love or betrayal.  3.  The Greeks used amphitheaters to amplify the actors' voices throughout the entire theatre. These types of theaters hade seats in a half-circle around the stage, which allowed the entire audience to see the stage.