
Showing posts from October, 2019

Blog Post #13 - Cultural Diffusion

October 21st, 2019 Cultural Diffusion           Cultural diffusion is the process of cultural aspects expanding from one region to another. The 5 major types of cultural diffusion are expansion diffusion, relocation diffusion, hierarchical diffusion, contagious diffusion, and stimulus diffusion. Expansion diffusion is an idea that develops in a certain area and spreads to other areas. Hierarchical, stimulus, and contagious diffusion can also have the same effect. Relocation diffusion is an idea that spreads to another area but leaves its own special cultural trait behind. Hierarchical diffusion is an idea that spreads by moving from larger to smaller places. Contagious diffusion is an idea that spreads from person-to-person contact. Stimulus diffusion is an idea that spreads based on its attachments to other concepts. The Columbian Exchange was the extensive transfer of plants, animals, culture, human populations, technology, diseases, and ideas between the Americas, West Africa,

Blog Post #12 - Mapping Europe

October 17th, 2019 Mapping Europe 1. Russia       11. Denmark                     21. Hungary                 31. Iceland                41. Luxembourg 2. Finland     12. Poland                         22. Serbia                     32. Netherlands        42. Liechtenstein 3. Estonia     13. The  Czech Republic  23. Kosovo                   33. Belgium              43. France  4. Belarus     14. Slovakia                      24. Macedonia             34. Switzerland         44. Monaco 5. Latvia       15. Romania                      25. Greece                    35. San Marino        45. Andorra 6. Lithuania  16. Bulgaria                      26. Slovenia                  36. Italy                    46. Portugal 7. Ukraine    17. Turkey                        27. Croatia                     37. Vatican City       47. Spain 8. Moldova   18. Cyprus                      28. Bosnia and Herzegovina   38. Malta 9. Norway     19. Germany                   29. Mon

Blog Post #11 - Globalization

October 17th, 2019 Globalization            Globalization is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide.  It connects local and national economies to form a global market. Throughout history, globalization has become more developed due to advances in technology, transportation, and  communication. The four basic aspects of globalization are trade and transactions, capital and investment movements, migration and movement of people, and the dissemination of knowledge.

Blog Post #10 - The 5 Themes of Geography

October 7th, 2019 The 5 Themes of Geography            In human geography, there are 3 types of regions. A region is an area on the Earth that has places with similar and unifying characteristics. The first type of region is a formal region. Formal regions have boundaries that are formally defined. Some examples of formal regions are districts, provinces, countries, and continents. Another type of region is called a functional region. Functional regions usually encompass a central point with defined boundaries and the area around it that is connected by a well-developed network of transportation and communication systems that facilitates the movement of people, goods, and ideas. The last type of region is known as a vernacular region. Vernacular regions share unifying physical and human characteristics and have imaginary borders. 

Blog Post #9 - The 5 Themes of Geography

October 2nd, 2019 The 5 Themes of Geography           The 5 themes of geography include location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, and region. The first theme of geography, location, is a particular place or position on the earth. Geographers describe location through toponyms, site, and situation. The name of a specific place is its toponym. The site of an area is its own physical features. The situation is the environmental conditions of the place. Another theme of geography, place, describes the physical or human aspects of a location. The place of a location is closely associated with the toponym, site, and situation of that specific area. Some examples of the place are landforms, human populations, and human cultures. Human-environment interaction is another theme of geography that tells geographers how humans interact with the ecosystem. The 3 main characteristics of human-environment interaction are dependency, adaption, and modification. Dependency defines th