Case Study: God Grew Tired of Us

God Grew Tired of Us


1. How many people lost their lives from the civil war in Sudan? 
Two million people lost their lives in the civil war.

2. Who are the Lost Boys? 
The Lost Boys are young boys who walked thousands of miles to flee from the civil war in Sudan.

3. What two things started the civil war in Sudan? 
Oil and Religion started the civil war.

4. Who was fighting in the war? 
Arabs were fighting in the north, and Christians were fighting in the south.

5. What hardships did the boys face on their journey to Ethiopia? 
On their journey to Ethiopia, the boys faced starvation, dehydration, animal attacks, and bombings.

6. What happened to the refugee camp in Ethiopia?
The government fell, and the Lost Boys had to run away.

7. How many years did the Lost Boys walk total after the attacks on the villages?
The Lost Boys walked for 5 years in total.


8. In what ways do the boys eat differently than average Americans? 
The boys smash their crackers with a hammer and eat with their hands.

9. What was John’s job at the age of 13? 
John's job was to bury the dead bodies of children.

10. How does sleeping in America compare to sleeping at the refugee camp? 
At the refugee camp, the Lost Boys had to sleep on the ground. In America, the boys get to sleep on comfortable beds.

11. How many months of assistance does the government provide? What happens after that time? 
The government provides 3 months of assistance for the boys, but after those 3 months are up, the boys have to work and pay the government back for their air travel to the country.

12. What holiday traditions do the boys want to know the meaning of?
The boys want to know why American's celebrate Christmas with gifts and decorated trees.

13. What is John scared of doing? Why? 
John is scared of ice skating because he is so tall.

14. What are John’s jobs? 
John packs gaskets in a factory, and after he's finished at the factory, he works at McDonald's.

15. What is Daniel’s job? 
Daniel's job is to process checks at a bank.

16. Why does Daniel think life in America is tough? 
Daniel thinks life is tough in America because the people have busy schedules.

17. What do the boys think of Americans? 
The boys think Americans are not friendly.

18. Why do merchants file a complaint with the police? 
The boys were traveling in groups, and it made the merchants feel threatened.

19. How are the lost boys feeling 1 year in America?
The boys feel lonely without their friends and family. 


What have you learned about Dinka culture? What markers from the film are representative of Dinka culture? Of American culture? What values do the Lost Boys hold? How do those values compare with your own? 
I've learned about their music, language, clothing, food, and how they live. The Lost Boys have great value for their family and faith. When the boys came to the U.S.,  they worked hard to send money for their families living in Africa. They spread awareness about Sudan and later on held a convention. 

What questions and fears do the Lost Boys have about life in the U.S.? What questions and fears would you have if you were moving to a new place? What differences do you see between Dinka culture and American culture? What are some of the challenges the Lost Boys encounter? How do they adapt to life in the United States (think in terms of both assimilation and acculturation? How do you think you would adapt to life in a new country?
The Lost Boys didn't understand American technology. They felt as if their cultural practices wouldn't be accepted here. I would fear that I wouldn't be accepted in the community. The Dinkas are warm-hearted and friendly, while Americans are more selfish. The Lost Boys had to work and learn the way Americans live.

A benefit of this documentary lies in the opportunity to view our own (American) culture through the eyes of the Dinka. What aspects of our culture, which we may or may not take for granted, could potentially make immigrants feel marginalized or not a part of the American culture? 
Americans take many advantages of our country for granted. We have clean water and access to food, unlike those living in other regions. Americans have advanced technology that differs from the technology in less developed countries. Immigrants from these developing countries may feel as if they are different from Americans because they never had access to these things before.

What scene(s) or ideas presented in the film stood out to you? Why?
The scene that stood out to me the most in the film was when the Lost Boys were traveling to America. The staff on the planes had to teach the boys how everything worked. For example, the boys didn't know how to lock the bathroom door on the plane, so the flight attendant had to show them. When the boys got to America, their host needed to show them how to use everyday items that Americans use. 

Was there anything that surprised you as you watched the film? Detail one thing that you took away from the film study.

I realized that I am very fortunate because my country is not in a war. I don't have to run for my life and flee my home. Many of the boys in the film had seen family or friends die in front of them, which is a life-changing experience. Although the boys had gone through these tough times, they still choose to help people. For instance, while working in the supermarket, one of the boys comforted a woman. He chose to help her because she reminded him of his time in Sudan.


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