Western Civilization - Blog Post #6 - Ancient Egypt

January 30th, 2020

Ancient Egypt


First Cataract - water turns to rapids and is impossible to pass through
Upper Egypt - higher elevation in river area
Lower Egypt - north, near the sea; includes the Nile delta region
Ka - an eternal life force

Book Notes

  • the Nile is the longest river in the world
  • In July, rain and melting snow the from mountains in Africa caused the Nile to spill over its banks, the river receded in October, leaving behind silt
  • Egyptians worshipped the Nile as a god
  • the Nile was predictable unlike the Tigris and Euphrates rivers
  • when the Nile's floodwaters were just a few feet less than normal, the amount of silt and water was greatly reduced making 1000's starve
  • when the Nile's floodwaters were greater than normal, the excess water destroyed houses, grainaries, and seeds
  • the deserts on both sides of the Nile were natural barriers between Egypt and other lands, keeping Egyptians refined to a small area and limiting their interaction with other peoples
  • the deserts also shut out invanders and Egypt was spared from the plague that hit the Fertile Cresent
  • river travel was common, but ended at the First Cataract
  • the Nile provided a reliable system of transportation throughout Upper and Lower Egypt
  • 5000 B.C. - Egyptians lived in farming villages 
  • 3200 B.C. - villages under rule of two seperate kingdoms
  • 3000 B.C. - Upper and Lower Egypt unite
  • conflict over who united them - more evidence points towards king Narmer
  • Lower Egypt = red crown
  • Upper Egypt = tall, white crown
  • Narmer established the first Egyptian dynasty
  • 3200-2700 B.C. - Great Civilization
  • 2660-2180 B.C. - Old Kingdom - patterns became widespread
  • the Old Kingdom was the great age of pyramid building
  • the kings of Egypt were seen as gods
  • Pharoah's duty was to promote truth and justice
  • the Egyptians worshipped 2000+ gods and goddesses
  • they believed in the afterlife
  • all social classes were planned for burial
  • kings and queens built tombs
  • royals and those of the elite status were mummified

Important Gods and Goddesses

  • Re - the sun god
  • Osiris - the god of the dead
  • Isis - the ideal mother and wife

Social Status Triangle

king, queen, royal family
upper class; government officials, priests, army commanders
middle class; merchants, artisans
lower class; peasants, farmers, laborers


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