
Showing posts from December, 2019

Blog Post #18 - Introduction to Migration

December 13th, 2019 Introduction to Migration            Migration  is the permanent resettlement of a human population set. The two different types of migration are Internal and International.  Internal migration  is a permanent move within the same country .  International migration  is the permanent move from one country to another . Internal migration is more common than International migration.  Emigrate  is to  leave  one's country.  Immigrate  is to  go to  another country.  Forced Migration  means you have no choice to migrate. Some examples of forced migration include drought, hunger, and war.  Voluntary Migration  is when there is a choice to migrate. Some examples include better homes and employment opportunities. Interregional Migration is a movement from rural to suburban areas and is more common in developing nations .  Intraregional Migration is a movement from one region to another which has common accessibilities and is more common in developed natio

Guns, Germs, and Steel - Episode 3 Viewing Guide

December 5th, 2019 Guns, Germs, and Steel Episode 3 1)  Due to their geographical location, Europeans had the most productive crops and animals, which allowed them to develop guns, germs, and steel. 2)  The temperature and climate in the South African cape are about the same as it is in Europe because both locations have a similar latitude meaning the Europeans could grow the same type of crops and raise the same type of livestock. 3)  Europeans brought new diseases to these populations, and when the people of the Americas and the South African cape came into contact with these diseases they died, which allowed the Europeans who were immune to these germs from prior exposure to settle into their lands. 4)  The Europeans and their livestock were being infected by germs native to Africa and were dying.  5)  The native Africans had developed immunity to diseases because they had been exposed to these diseases for a long time. They also developed vaccines that cou

Blog Post #17 - Mapping Asia

December 10th, 2019 Mapping Asia 1. Israel             10. Azerbaijan                   19. Turkmenistan     28. Mongolia             38. Cambodia 2. Jordan           11. Kuwait                          20. Kyrgyzstan        29. China                   39. Brunei 3. Lebanon        12. Bahrain                         21. Tajikistan          30. Bhutan                 40. Malaysia 4. Syria              13. Qatar                            22. Afghanistan       31. Bangladesh          41. Indonesia 5. Iraq                14. United Arab Emirates  23. Pakistan             32. Myanmar             42. North Korea 6. Saudi Arabia  15. Oman                           24. Russia               33. Thailand               43. South Korea 7. Yemen            16. Iran                              25. Nepal                34. Sri Lanka              44.Taiwan 8. Georgia           17. Kazakhstan                 26. India                 35. Singapore              45. Philippines 9. Arme

Guns, Germs, and Steel - Episode 2 Viewing Guide

December 4th, 2019 Guns, Germs, and Steel Episode 2 1.  The Spanish conquistadores were armed with body armor, steel swords, guns, and horses. 2.  Europe was geographically close to the Fertile Crescent, meaning they inherited the 7,000 years of metal technology that had been developed there. The Spanish had a diverse society that allowed for specialization, so they produced the most advanced swords possible. 3.  The Spaniards started with a surprise tactic, firing off their guns and coming out on horseback. As they rode into battle, they used their swords to stab the panicking Incas, who were fleeing from the battle. If the Incas knew more about this fighting style, they could have won because they had more men on their side. 4.  The Europeans were "accidental conquerors" because of their geographic location and history, the Europeans were the first to obtain guns, germs, and steel.

Guns, Germs, and Steel - Episode 1 Viewing Guide

November 25th, 2019 Guns, Germs, and Steel Episode 1 1.  The three major elements that separate the world's "haves" from the "have nots" are guns, germs, and steel. 2.  Some examples include domesticated animals, farming, and the fertile crescent.    3.  Today scientists domesticate crops by selecting genes and breeding crops to create a new plant that allows a bigger harvest. 4.  Animals give people meat and milk. Their hair and skins can be used to make clothes. Some domesticated animals can be used to help pull plows.  5.  Llamas come from South America. Goats, sheep, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, Bactrian camels, Arabian camels, water buffalo, reindeer, yaks, mithians, and Bali cattle are all from Asia, North America, and Europe. Cows, pigs, sheep, and goats are also native to the Middle East. 6.  In some areas like Asia or North America, humans had access to animals, which allows them to make better material goods, have a mo